Sunday 8 November 2015

15. 6 Screen shots of opening scene ( The Big Sleep)

 This scene is an example of a way to make the audience understand where this scene is located and it already gives a name of a character. We could use something like this to make it very easy to understand where the scene is taking place.

 As soon as Mr Marlowe (detective) walks into the house of General Sternwood, one of the 2 daughters of the general walks down the stairs and meets Mr Marlowe, she is very attractive and seems interested in Mr Marlowe.

 After a brief conversation with him, she deliberately falls into his arms. She seems to like Mr Marlowe and tells him that she finds him cute, her behavior is "wild" as Mr Marlowe later describes her (especially because the behavior of women was very marginalized at the time, 1940s).

 Mr Marlowe is at last allowed into a sort of greenhouse to meet the general, whom tells him to sit down and offers him a drink (cognac) and tells him he is allowed to smoke if he wants to.

 Mr Marlowe and the general start to have a bit of chip chat before Mr Marlowe asks the reason of his invitation. Mr Marlowe does accept the drink and takes a few sips of his cognac.

Mr Marlowe lights up his cigarette and answers the General's questions.

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